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Contact Us
Whether you have a student concern, questions about your student organization, or need help with an issue on campus, College Council is here to help!
College Council
Not sure where to go or have questions? Email us here and we can direct you to the appropriate Person/Office/Committee.
Office of Organization Management
Are you currently starting a club? Interested in creating a club? Have questions about the chartering process? Don’t know who your liaison is? Email us here with your questions.
Office of Finance, Audits and Budgets
Have questions about your budget? Have questions about supplemental budgets?
Email us here.
Office of Programming
Interested In collaborating with College Council for an event? Have an idea for an event you would like to see on campus?
Email us here.
Submit A Student Concern
The Student Concerns Form is your opportunity to let College Council know about your experience on campus! College Council is dedicated to identifying and addressing your concerns about any aspect of life at Emory University.