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EFIF Charter Process

Eligible for Initiative Funding

Are you part of an Interest Group who wants to apply for charter status with hopes to receive university recognition?

Below are the key dates to note for Spring 2025:


If still you have any questions please feel free to email the SILT Office at For College Council specific questions, email our chartering office at

As a reminder, To apply and be considered for a EFIF charter, student organizations must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Have held meetings open to any Emory College student at least once per month.
  • Sponsored at least one fully publicized event or program open to the entire Emory public.
  • Selected and retained an appropriate advisor.
  • Worked to fulfill the mission statement outline in its constitution.

    Broad Overview of the 3-step Process:
  1. Apply Using the Charter App Link Emailed by SILT

  2. Proceed to Canvas Course Completion if Accepted

  3. Review the Rules to Maintain Your Charter