Operational (Annual) Budgets
This page contains all of the information you need to successfully submit an annual budget for your RF-chartered organization.
Looking to receive an RF Charter? Check out our chartering guide.
Have any other questions or need assistance? Get in touch with our Office of Organization Budgets.
Complete the Official College Council Budget Template
The all-new budget template is designed to make submitting your budget easier than ever before. You should prepare your budget in Microsoft Excel, following these instructions, before making your submission to OrgSync.
Download A CopyFile -> Save As -> Download A CopyComplete The Organization Overview
Your submission, following the template, must include the following components:
- Speedtype (Allocated)
- No. of Active Members
- Current & Incoming Current Incoming President(s) & Treasurer(s)
- Historical Operational Funding
- Historical Supplemental Funding
- Historical Executive Funding
- NRF Chartering Date
- RF Chartering Date
- Organizational Description
- Additional Comments
List All Events On The First Sheet
You should list all of your events on the first sheet. Be sure to follow the template exactly and include the event name and description.Complete Each Event
You should then budget the line items needed for each individual event. College Council budgets by line item, so failure to fully detail your event may result in a loss of funding or the rejection of your budget. Check our our Monetary Policy page for more information about what we fund and how we fund it. Each item should include a purpose (if necessary), category, per-item (unit) cost, and quantity. Categories can be found on the "EC - Event Categories" sheet. Make sure that the final cost for each line is calculated accurately. Then, make sure that the total cost for each event has been completed.Provide Price Evidence
Each line item must have documented proof of price. Your budget will be considered incomplete without proof of price for all line items. Following the template, you should create a new sheet for each event. This means that you will have multiple proofs of price per sheet, one for each line item. For example, if you have three events with three line items each, you will have three sheets with three proofs of price each. Valid hyperlinks and screenshots are acceptable proofs of price. If you have any issues or extenuating circumstances you can always contact us.
Submit Your Budget on OrgSync
Once you have completed the budget template, you must submit your budget to OrgSync. This is where we will consider your budget and make final allocations, so make sure that your submission is accurate and matches your completed budget template. Failure to follow these instructions exactly can result in events not being funded or the rejection of your budget.Log In To Your Organization
You can access your budget submission from your organization's management portal. First, go to your organization's OrgSync Page. Then, make sure you are signed in to OrgSync via the sign-in button in the top right corner. Click "Manage Organization" to access your portal. Then, open the sidebar on the left and click "Finance." Click "Create New Request" and choose College Council on the following page.
Can't access your organization portal? Contact Student Involvement, Leadership, and Transitions (SILT) at studentorgs@emory.edu.
Fill Out Identifying Information
Include your organization's name in the request title.Complete Additional Information
Please provide all additional information requested on the next page. It is imperative that the names and contact information for your president and treasurer are correct. You may include any additional information about your organization or budget request you think is relevant on this page.Upload The Budget Template
On the next page you will see a series of "Budget Request" sections. The first section should include only your budget template. Edit the name to state "[Your Organization] Budget Template]". Then, click "Add Item." The default category ("Advertising PR") is okay. The name for this line item should also be "[Your Organization] Budget Template]". The quantity for this item should be "1" and the cost should be "0." Then, upload your completed budget spreadsheet as the support document and click "Save."Add Event Sections
You must add a new budget section for each event by clicking "+ Another Budget Request Section." Please submit events in the order of importance with the most important events first (at the top).Fill In Line Items
Using the information from the completed budget template, fill in the line items for each event. Make sure that the all information is correct. It is not enough to include a description in the uploaded budget template. The description and category added on OrgSync should match the budget template exactly. Including the proof of price for each line item in the uploaded budget template is sufficient. You do not need to upload a screenshot for each item, but you should state in the description for each line item that the proof of price is in the uploaded template. For example, "Proof of Price can be found in our budget spreadsheet." Please submit line items in the order of importance with the most important items first (at the top).Ensure That All Information Is Correct
You should make sure that all information added on OrgSync matches the budget template exactly. Double-check the totals for each event and line item. Make sure that the total amount request on your budget matches the total from your uploaded template.Submit Your Budget
Congratulations! Thank you for completing your annual budget request. College Council will be in touch about budget hearings and notify you if any additional information is needed. If you have any questions please contact us.