Audits & Compliance
Welcome to Audits & Compliance! We strive to ensure that all the EFAF (Eligible for Allocated Funding) organizations at the Emory College of Arts and Sciences know how to remain within the bounds of College Council’s monetary policy. While the prospect of our office’s mission may seem intimidating, we want to make the audit process as easy and harmless as possible, and we will work with club treasurers to ensure that happens. Audits will create a timeline containing when and where necessary actions will happen, and audits will create compliance forms so every treasurer can easily be within their rights as a chartered organization. We look forward to meeting and helping all our chartered organizations this year! You can reach our office at
What is Treasurer Compliance Training?
Treasurer Compliance Training is a mandatory training for all Emory student organization treasurers. Treasurer training is hosted by SGS and is usually provided at the beginning of the school year, and at the end of the school year. Treasurer Compliance training is also open to any student, whether they are associated with a club or not.
What are some things to avoid when wanting to make a purchase with the SGS office?
Clubs should not wait until the day a purchase is needed to visit the SGS office or make an appointment with the SGS office. Orgs should also not wait until after the SGS office has closed to visit the SGS office to make an appointment.
Sometimes it’s convenient for students to pay for things out of pocket and then ask for reimbursements. Orgs should start making appointments with SGS for future events ahead of time to avoid having to use personal expenses to make purchases.
What expenses are prohibited?
Students should refer to the SGA Finance Code and CC Monetary Policy for prohibited expenses.
What happens if a club misuses funds?
Clubs who misuse funds could be denied a budget, lose EFAF status, be suspended from activity for a semester, or receive a written warning. Clubs could also be referred to appropriate departments for Code of Conduct violations.
If I have any questions, who should I contact?