The College Council Monetary Policy
College Council's Monetary Policy governs the funding of all organizations. Passed by elected College Council legislators, it governs the functioning of the Office of Organization Budgets. This page contains a simple explanation of its most important sections, first compiled by 2019-2020 VP of Organization Budgets Lyndsey Garbee. This page is provided for your convenience, and is not a binding document. You can find the full version on our Governing Documents page.
Organization Types
Large organization – more than 50 people.
Small organization – less than 50 people.
Eligible Events
Only certain events are eligible for funding from College Council.
- Any event has to be open o all emory students, exceptions being retreats and banquets at the discretion of the Office of Organization Budgets.
- If you want to host an exclusive event, you must come to a College Council Meeting and present about it. This is for events that support marginalized communities, serve historically discriminated groups, or have extenuating circumstances.
- Operational caps may be overridden by a 2/3 vote from the Office of Organziation Budgets.
- They are only subject to amendments within 2 weeks of allocation.
- Supplementary caps may be overridden by a 2/3 vote by the Office of Organziation Budgets on case by case basis.
- Reasons include: if it was impossible for the club to have budgeted the requested item during the operational budgeting process.
- Travel cap may be overridden if necessary for organization to fulfill its core purpose the discretion of the Office of Organziation Budgets.
- At a meeting of the College Council Legislature, a 2/3 vote of elected legislators present shall be required to amend or override a recommendation of the Office of Organziation Budgets.
- Monetary policy override – status for special funding considerations.
- More information can be found on the MPO page.
- Operational caps may be overridden by a 2/3 vote from the Office of Organziation Budgets.
Emergency Funds
Emergency funds are available for time-sensitive events related to instances of discrimination. Normal funding requirements still apply. More information can be found in the full Monetary Policy.Service Organizations
- We will not donate funds to a specific organization, but we will donate to allow students to participate in service projects (only if organization’s mission is to engage in community service).
- Gifts are only allowed here for interactive altruism, defined as gift being interacted with in a way that adds value through labor of participants. Gifts cannot be received by Emory students.
- Funded at power formula: (funds requested) - .00245*(funds requested)^1.55
Power Formula
- If fundable items are more than $2000:
- (amount fundable) – (.00245)*(amount fundable)*1.55
- Otherwise funding will be given for 84% of the fundable amount.
- If amount is over 25,171.17, amount allocated is capped at 8931.91.
- If fundable items are more than $2000:
Co-Sponsored Events
Special funding allowances are made for events by two College Council chartered organizations.
- Cap for decorations is 500 and cap for off-campus event venue is 3,500.
- If total fundable items are less than 2000, we fund 94% of that amount.
- If greater than 2000, we fund:
o (Amount fundable) – (.00145)*(amount fundable)^1.55
Total Immersion Status
Funded events must normally be open to all students, and therefore conducted in English. Total Immersion Status is a special charter that allows certain exceptions to this requirement.
Requirements for Total Immersion Status:
- The org holds at least one GBM each semester in English or with English translation.
- The org holds at least one university wide event in English or with English translation.
- Events hosted not in English are open to all Emory students.
- Events hosted not in English must be self-funded.
Funding Guidelines for Total Immersion Status:
- Orgs must report which events are in English, and which are not.
- Funding not distributed for events held in non-English language without translation.
- Events held in non-English language with English translation are at discretion of Office of Organization Budgets and must be essential to the event.
Funding Restrictions
- No wheel ads, chalk for advertising, table tents, WMRE slides, or other publication advertisements.
- No t-shirts.
- Nothing for prospective or non-emory student unless given explicit permission by the College Council Legislature.
- Nothing for “slush fund” or an item that cannot be documented to the fullest extent of the cost.
- No funds to get self-generated funds.
- No funds to take classes where credits are given towards graduation.
- No personal grooming (so no haircuts, skin treatments, etc.).
- No rental of animals or supplies/equipment for such animals.
- No international transport.
- No taxes.
- No latex balloons.
- No alcohol, tobacco, livestock, weapons, pharmaceutical products, contraband, or illegal items.
- Alcohol may be funded with express permission from the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership and Transitions in Campus Life.
State of Financial Flexibility
- A State of Financial Flexibility is automatically declared if College Councils available funds fall below $6000.
- In this case, additional powers are given to the Office of Organization Budgets.
- The College Council President can also declare it or the College Council legislature can declare it with 2/3 vote. CC legislature can overturn the declaration of the President with 2/3 vote, and it will cease by a vote of the Legislature or new declaration by the President.
- Financial flexibility means that the Office of Organization Budgets can alter the power formula and allocation amounts on a temporary basis. They can also reject supplemental funding bills or change budget timelines.
- A State of Financial Flexibility is automatically declared if College Councils available funds fall below $6000.
Zero-Waste Initiative
- The percentage funded for non-essential items is increased from 50% to 75%, as long an event is certified through OSI.
- For every $100 of essential food requested, we give an extra $25.
- Qualifications:
- Spending limit of $250.
- You must follow checklist on OSI website.
- You must submit photographic evidence of sustainable event banner.